Sari Duffle Bags
Our Sari Duffle Bags are not just travel accessories; they are journeys in themselves. Transformed from saris once cherished by Indian women, they are a symbol of transformation and sustainability.
By breathing new life into discarded textiles, they reduces waste and adds a lasting charm to your travel adventures. Every line of quilting is carefully sewn with a small distance of just 1 cm between lines, displaying the remarkable artistry and unwavering dedication of our team of skilled female artisans.
Falguni Sari Duffle Bag
799 kr
Bhoomi Sari Duffle Bag
799 kr
Vanya Sari Duffle Bag
799 kr
Urvi Sari Duffle Bag
799 kr
Sarita Sari Duffle Bag
799 kr
Naisha Sari Duffle Bag
799 kr